Help Send a Kid to Camp! – Greater Somerset County YMCA

Help Send a Kid to Camp!

Help Send a Kid to Camp!

Remember the summers of old… carefree days spent playing outside, running through sprinklers, and biking until dinner time?

Sadly, many kids today face a different kind of summer: too much screen time; and, often, loneliness and idleness. This new reality has reshaped the summer experience, which makes it more important to help kids reconnect with the joys of outdoor play and personal interaction.

At the Y, we understand that parents need support, and that kids need opportunities to just be kids. Your support of the community through the Y’s mission can make a positive impact on the lives of so many local children this summer.

Will you invest in sending a child to camp this summer?

You play an important part in ensuring that ALL children have a safe place to be during the summer!

Please consider a charitable gift to our 2024 Annual Campaign to help kids enjoy being outdoors engaged in enriching activities, and making friends and memories that last a lifetime.

We hope we can count on your support!